Saturday, April 5, 2008

Most frightening party ever

That woman is holding a gold penis. That's the only thing distracting me from the guy's Birkenstocks.


Anonymous said...

im gonna say thats a middle aged fat woman's birkenstock

spectacular views said...


Anonymous said...

omigod . . .hahahahahaha!

Chef Drinksalot said...

I'm gonna side with anonymous and say it's an old overweight Welsh woman.

And, as a second observation, don't you hate parties where people take PERSONAL COOLERS? Yeah, they're strictly BYOB people.

PartyPooped said...

If you have a problem with BYOB, then I'm very sorry, Archduke, but I guess we just don't see eye to monocle. There's no shame in bringing your own beer with a cooler to keep it frosty.

Anonymous said...

I thought the cooler was a car battery at first.