Monday, July 26, 2010

Enough Already

Ok ok ok ok ok! Jeez! We get it, mom - you're getting laid tonight. You and Aunt Tina don't have to hire a fucking skywriter, ok? We all get it.


muckguppy said...

did carles from HRO steal this pic and 'memify' it or .. what the hell happened? tell me party pooper =(

PartyPooped said...

the pic was on SIMYP first, but then again, i "stole" it from some stranger's Flickr account. plus, what he wrote is about 10 times funnier than what i did for this pic, so i'm glad someone could find a better use for it. it's just part of the wonderful fabric of this AIDS quilt we call the internet. if people didn't repost images from other site, then all there'd be to read on the internet would be reviews for the Da Vinci Code. hakuna matata, bro.

edward said...

aww =)

Anonymous said...

fuck carles. that guy sucks anyway (I know him in real life). SIMYP for life.