Thursday, January 21, 2010

Man Day Thursday: Men in the Moons

Planet Earth doesn't have enough manliness for me.  I need to transcend.  I need to go beyond this realm.


I need to go to the Man Moon.   

5....4....3....2....1....BLAST OFF!!!!!!!


Dusty Stones said...

Why not wash?

kale said...

god dammit

Anonymous said...

O wow. Thanks. Good thing, that, now. Internet, you never fail to amuse me.

Brian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brian said...

Bat Wing FTW

Anonymous said...


kookyknut said...

God bless your little cotton socks.

Annelise said...

Makes a girl wanna get in a rocket ship, if you know what I'm sayin'

FX 初心者 said...

Oh no, god damn!

There must be one of mine...haha.

Anonymous said...

god, and I was cringing at the hairy asses. That last picture makes that big hairy ass look like a kitten in a field of daisies.

Dave said...


I've been meaning to ask you this for a while: Will you go out with me?

I might be a little young for you, I'm only 24, but I swear I'm mature, we both like mid 90s punk and house shows. Maybe we can just be facebook friends first?

Anonymous said...

none of these boys have cute bums, shame

Anonymous said...

@Dave House music! You guys can "beat up the beat" together.

Anonymous said...

Ballsac = SIMYP unicorn chaser

Speeder said...

That aint cool Dave, I totally saw partypooper first.I mean come on , seriously not cool bro

kdub_nyc said...

Oh, that last one. My eyes, my eyes...

Buna said...

Ah, the pressed ham. A classic. Unlike real ham it never gets old.

Anonymous said...

I'm confused....does that last guy not have balls?

PartyPooped said...

dear dave,

how fucking old do you think i am?? i'm insulted! no date for you!


Anonymous said...

oh god...the last picture.

Dave said...


You blew your chance, between my initial post and this one I've found myself a girlfriend. I hope you cry about this while you fill out your AARP membership form.

b said...

good god, confused anonymous: THOSE ARE HIS BALLS.

b said...

good god, confused anonymous: THOSE ARE HIS BALLS.

Anonymous said...

does toilet paper not exist where these boys are? guhhhhhhh

jude said...

Ohhh, I was not ready for the last one.

Anonymous said...

that army fatigue ass exposure facial response from ass exposure recipient was one of the saddest sights ive ever seen. albeit, i totally condone violence. fuck everyone! But that was probably that last bit of back-pussy that soldier will ever have seen. Shame!

Anonymous said...

The Army guy is proof that the Army is letting anyone in these days. That is the ass of a massively large man.

Virgtastic said...

Can't. Stop. Laughing. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahaha! Men must adhere to the following prior to mooning a camera:

1) ALWAYS use baby wipes, and wipe front to back.
2) Go for the Brazilian. PLEASE.
3) BLEACH thy CRACK for crying out loud!!!