Monday, January 18, 2010

Just Try


Raymond said...

Looks like a scene from the ludacris music video "Fast Forward That Ass"

ujlien said...

i wont try that
ugly as fuck

A. Leigh said...

Those are awful pants.

Lazer said...

I like that that guy is leaning at an angle that can only be performed when checking out and ass and saying "Daaaaaaaamn!"

Timothy Reed said...

Soon to be seen on

SLEBBO! said...


Anonymous said...

Overheard the other day from two boys who attend a local high school:

Kid 1: I'm not going to CU because they have loose girls

Kid 2: yeah, farm girls.

Kid 1: I'm going to a southern school - girls there have better values

Kid 2: Mississippi girls are hot

Ksenia Gundarova said...

holy mother russia

Anonymous said...

a tender welcome for tenderly rape-ready euro dudes