Thursday, October 1, 2009

Man Day Thursday: Man Slobs

You know what's reliably predictable about men? Look at these guys - different ages, different tastes, different walks of life. But you know unites them all? Not one of them has a bed with a complete matching sheet set. I'm talking fitted sheet flat sheet, pillowcases, all the same color. I'd bet a million bucks on it. When's the last time you ever met a guy who lived alone who had fully matching sheets? Probably never, because if you did, it would be Patrick Bateman and you'd be dead by now.

Oh, you beautiful slobby men, each slobby in your own unique disgusting way.  I salute you:

Note: I'm pretty sure on this last one he's using an unzipped sleeping bag as a comforter. Classic man slob bedding maneuver.


Dusty Stones said...

No comment.

Anonymous said...

totally wanna date boom box guy

kale said...

Hey, when us duders got to party like we do there's no time for formalities like bedding - It sure beats the couch.

Anonymous said...

After 5 WSM wins, mariusz pudzianowski can have whatever sheets he wants on his bed.

Where did you find that picture?

Anonymous said...

YAY! That boombox dude is my bud! HIGHLARIOUS.

brendan donnelly said...

pic 1 is me circa 1995

Anonymous said...

I can't get past the counter with the bottle of scotch and the can of sparks. What was the demographic of this party?

Anonymous said...


Mike said...

Are you sure the individual with the boombox is male?

Anonymous said...

Pudziana dali!

Gerald Stones said...

My brother is not good at internets.

Anonymous said...

For those not in the know, #4 is a pic of Mariusz Pudzianowski, an accomplished Polish bodybuilder and the talent behind this.

Miss Soggy Smog said...

Since finding your site earlier this morning... I have found meaning to life. Thank you for these.