Thursday, February 5, 2009

Hippie Kegstand

The thing about hippies is that they're secretly just frat guys with worse hair and less Axe body spray.


Anonymous said...

And their bodies are just as bad.

Anonymous said...

and equally bad taste in music.

Neal said...

While frat dudes get barbed wire tattoo'd around their arms to show off their muscles, hippies get shit tattoo'd around their stomach to show off their gut.

Unknown said...

Jesus, can you imagine the smell that close to that guy's crotch?

Joisey Mike said...

"and less axe" = WIN

Chum said...

Well actually, it's a spiritual gesture, something delved from Catholicism , bored American Lutheran drop outs, wannabe white boys who wish they were born Jamaican, and an excess of suburban American freedom...kind of like crossing yourself before ingesting the host...or...uhmm, whatever....

Czar Nicholas said...

Patchouli stink is the first thing that comes to mind.