Monday, November 3, 2008

Faund Magazine

A few weeks ago, two Swiss design students asked me to contribute to a zine called Faund Magazine. Since the only thing I love more than Swiss design and zines is Swiss design student zines,, I was pumped. The zine is all photos that found on the internet by guest "finders". This is only their second issue, and I was psyched to be asked to contribute. I sent them a bunch of photo of goth weddings I found on Flickr; I'm not sure how many or which ones they'll use, but here's a quick sample below.

You can buy the issue for 7 Euros, which is something like a million US dollars, right? Check out more photos and how to buy here at, which is their site that exists to promote their paper zine which preprints images that were found on the internet. The call is coming from inside the house, people.

Faund Magazine Issue #2 on sale now:


Anonymous said...

So, let me get this right.
The people at 'Faund' publish and sell a magazine for 7 Euros a copy, made up largely of images 'found' on the internet by theirs contributors. Nice.
The images were not 'found' (they were never lost in the first place, they were carefully chosen and uploaded to the internet, most probably by the person who shot them and owns their copyright) - they were stumbled upon, and stolen.
This certainly isn't the future of publishing, but I can tell you that metadata is the future of photographers making sure that dumbass students don't steal their work and sell it on for a profit.
Now get yourself off to a yard sale and shoplift a bunch of old Polaroids.

PartyPooped said...

Welcome to something called "the internet", gramps. Now, back to getting those darn kids off your lawn.

Anonymous said...

'Gramps', lol.
You kids really are as thick as shit...

Kaugummi books said...

faund is amazing !!!