Friday, September 19, 2008

Evil Twin

You know what's super lame? Positivity. Fuck these guys and their earnest enthusiasm. Makes me sick. The only think keeping me from killing myself is the guy in the red shirt's sideburns. His garish arrangement of facial hair indicates some sinister hand of fate playing an impish prank on the rube's unsuspecting face. He looks like an evil twin version of himself.

Whatever, fuck it, it's Friday. Let's go get wasted.


jjdaddyo said...

Quite a collection of eyebrow-waxers you've got there.
Something tells me there's a lot of man-scaping going on here, also.

Unknown said...

White people behaving normally. Ugh. Excuse me while I vomit.

That Guy Billy said...

Long time/First time. I actually know all of the people in this picture. The one you highlight is one of my best friends.

Incredible. He does look like his own evil twin.

hard liquor; soft holes said...

do you know why so many of them have gay face?

i think i know the answer.

kdub_nyc said...

Gay guys always look so happy.

G said...

Wow. That guy's facial hair looks like it was done by the Backstreet Boys' stylist!

spectacular views said...

oh my god, your humor is inspiring, i love you

Anonymous said...

gay bar USA

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.

Anonymous said...

the guy in the front has crazy eye