Thursday, June 5, 2008

This is what ruined Woodstock 99 for me (NSFW)

Actually, is anything about Woodstock '99 SFW?


Unknown said...

That is literally the worst thing I have ever seen. Looking at that picture for too long will almost certainly completely diminish your will to live.

Anonymous said...

this guys party sucks

stanimosity said...

Curse you RSS feed. Curse you all to hell.

Crazy Momma said...

Oh my...I think I threw up just a little bit...

Anonymous said...

Let's update the acronym of NSFW to NSROWTFYA (Not Safe Regardless Of Where The Fuck You Are.)

Thank you kindly. ;)

MV said...

First off, this guy has a serious sunburn on his face.

Anonymous said...

I think I just lost all ability to orgasm for the next week or so...but at least he has a good level of self-confidence??? :P

doctressjulia said...

Holy shit, he looks like some kind of nightmarish sex leprechaun. Ugh.

Anonymous said...

Well, that put me off my feed.