Saturday, June 21, 2008

Sorry I Missed Your Slideshow

I'm sure it was really engaging and informative.


spectacular views said...

if that fresh garland doesn't scream "excitement" then idk what will... besides for the guys' faces, of course

Anonymous said...

It looks like a photography geeks' Christmas "do". Complete with a petty cash box.

Anonymous said...

Note the first Flickr comment on this photo:

"Bugger! If it wasn't for a cyst on my lower back, I would of been there. Always a fun evening!"

Anonymous said...

More importantly, sorry I missed out on wearing a penis sticker on my shirt. What are they for again?

Nothing said...

There is at least one pervert in that photo. I leave it to you to guess which one I've fingered.

Ryan said...

that is one hell of a lot of slides. look how thick the stacks are!

someone must have opened a timecapsule