Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Zapruder Footage

Oh god, I wish I could see that video footage. This is a moment that deserves the vitality of motion.


Lexi:: PottyMouthMama said...

There's a lot of Glad Wrap going on there. Mmm.

dave said...

the guy with the cam is missing a neck

Crazy Momma said...

I'm not sure what is funnier...the guy dancing or the look on the cameraman's face!

spectacular views said...

omg sickest people alive

Anonymous said...

Oh wow. creepy partyy.

Anonymous said...

That actually looks like Jared Louche (guy in glad wrap), the lead singer of the band Chemlab.

don't know what's up with the camera guy

Anonymous said...

That's because it *is* the lead singer of Chemlab. I was at this "party!" It's actually from the Pigface concert at the the DNA lounge back in 2001.

Anonymous said...

When a guy who looks like the cameraman is appalled by you, you know you are in trouble.

Sybil said...

oh yes! my favorite category on here.